10 Baby Products You Need for Your Next Road Trip
10 Baby Products You Need for Your Next Road Trip
Can babies even go on road trips? Absolutely! But the key to having a successful road trip with your baby is being prepared for whatever comes your way and by having the right gear. We know our tiny humans need a lot of stuff to stay safe, happy, comfortable, and clean and that goes for travel, too. That’s why we’ve put together this list of our favorite road trip baby products.
Survive Your Road Trip With These Essential Baby Products
If you’re wondering how to prepare for a road trip with a baby, it’s all about making a plan. And part of that plan is figuring out which products you need to make the trip go as smoothly as possible. Below you’ll find the products we’ve utilized on road trips to make it an enjoyable experience instead of a stressful one.
How do I keep my baby happy on a long car ride?
Tasty Tie
“Stylish and multi-FUNctional Baby Teething Tie”
We’ll start the list of road trip baby items with the Tasty Tie...because trying to do a road trip with a teething baby won’t be fun at all if you don’t have what you need to comfort them. And just FYI, even if you don’t think you have a teething baby on your hands because you haven’t seen any teeth, teething can actually start a couple of months sooner than that. This is why we love the Tasty Tie so much. It’s as much a fun toy to keep your baby happy on a long car ride, as it is a convenient and comforting teether.
Unlike other teethers your baby will surely lose in 2 seconds (cue the tears), the Tasty Tie safely and securely attaches to your baby’s shirt. You can be confident that your little one will have access to the soothing gum relief they need for even the longest of road trips while giving them endless stimulating CRINKLE entertainment! For a 15% discount code use "ROADTRIP" at tastytie.com.
To read more about why the Tasty Tie is the perfect teether read: Tasty Tie: The Wearable Teether Your Baby Needs.
Baby's Brew
“It’s time to drop the cord and get outside!”
If you’ve ever tried to warm your baby’s milk on the go then you know how much of a pain it can be. Asking for a bowl of hot water or running the bottle under a sink faucet in a public restroom is far from ideal. And of course, your hangry baby will be screaming all the while. As the only battery-powered portable bottle warmer, the Baby’s Brew makes warming bottles on road trips so simple.
With the ability to warm a baby’s bottle in 5-10 minutes at the exact temperature your baby loves, this sleek and style travel warmer is a no-brainer. For a 10% discount code use "ROADTRIP" at babysbrew.com.
“The World’s First Eco-friendly and Reusable Breastmilk Storage Bag”
Pumping on a road trip is definitely something that you need to have all planned out. Figuring out how you’ll store the milk you pump and keep it fresh for when it’s time to feed your little one can be a bit of a challenge. (This site has great tips on how to travel with breastmilk.) One of the products that make pumping on a road trip go more smoothly are the reusable breastmilk storage bags from Junobie - a perfect alternative to leaky or hard to use plastic bags.
Going on a road trip doesn’t mean you need to give up your commitment to earth-friendliness, and these convenient bags will help you keep up with your breastmilk storage for the duration of your road trip. For a 10% discount use code "ROADTRIP" at junobie.com.
“Everyone can sleep better with Slumberpod!”
Road trips generally mean nights spent in hotels. And we’re not talking the Ritz here usually, am I right??! This means that the entire family will be sleeping together in one room and you’re probably already anxious about the lack of rest you’ll all be getting before you’re back on the road again come morning. What you need is Slumberpod.
Paired with a mini-crib, pack ‘n play or the travel bassinet we shared above, the Slumberpod creates a peaceful, black-out sleeping environment for your little one. Babies, like adults, get a bit out of sorts when they’re not on their home turf that they’re used to. Especially if they’ve already transitioned to their own room they’re going to be very confused why they’re suddenly sleeping next to mom and dad. This usually results in a baby upset over the fact that their parents are leaving them alone or they just think it’s playtime instead of sleep time.
With the Slumberpod, you simply zip it over their crib and it’s the perfect cue for your little one that it’s time to sleep. For a 10% discount use code "ROADTRIP" at slumberpod.com.
Lebogner Car Seat Protector and Backseat Organizer
This set from Lebogner is the perfect way to keep your car upholstery shiny and new while having everything you need for your baby within reach. Snacks, diapers, bottle, toys, iPad...there are endless possibilities to what you can store in this backseat organizer.
Though some mess is pretty much inevitable on a road trip, the Lebogner organizer is about the best thing you can do to ensure your kiddos don’t create a tornado in the backseat while you’re not looking.
Busy Baby Mat
“Time to End the Toddler Toss!”
Stopping on a road trip to get some grub is usually something to look forward to. You’ve been in the car for hours and you’re ready to stretch your legs and fill that hungry belly. But with a baby, it often presents more challenges. After all, your baby has already been sitting for a long time...do they really want to sit some more and wait??! No, they don’t. This is where the Busy Baby Mat comes in.
The fact that this placement provides a clean, germ-free space for your baby to eat is great...but that’s not even the best part. It also has the ability to hold your baby’s favorite toys in place to keep them busy at the table. No more toys thrown on the floor or reaching for salt shakers to put into their mouths. This combined with the Tasty Tie they’re likely already wearing, you just might get to eat your meal in peace! For a 15% off use code "ROADTRIP" at busybabymat.com.
Bumco Diaper Clutch
“Convenient grab and go diaper clutch wristlet.”
Though it’s still a good idea to have your full diaper bag on a road trip (it will probably be packed til the seams are practically bursting), having this Bumco Diaper Clutch will definitely come in, well, clutch!
Do you really want to be lugging your full diaper bag into the convenience store or middle of nowhere fast food joint when baby needs a change or you need a bite to eat? The answer is no, you don’t.
Instead, all you need to do is make sure you have this diaper clutch stocked with a diaper or two, and the wipes are already available in a handy dispenser on top. If you’ll be making a pit stop where you’ll be spending a longer period of time, this clutch also easily attaches to your baby’s stroller for quick access. And if you need to do an emergency side of the road diaper change, you’ll be glad you have this immediately handy. For 10% off use code "ROADTRIP" at bumco.com.
Unbuckle Me Car Seat Release Tool
“Unbuckle your kids without the pain.”
Click, unclick, click, unclick. How many times do you think you take your baby in and out of their car seat on a road trip? Too many to count, that’s for sure. And all that unbuckling can wear out your hands and thumbs. Unbuckle Me is a company that saw a need for an easier way to get a baby out of the car, which is why they created this car seat buckle release tool.
Though it sounds so simple, you’ll be so glad to have it after long days on the road. For 10% off use code "ROADTRIP" at unbuckleme.com.
Snoofybee Excursion Changing Pad
“The clean hands changing pad.”
Oh those sweet little cherubs just think it’s the funniest thing ever to put their hands down in their business when you’re trying to change them. You, of course, find it irritating. And when you’re on a road trip, all you want to do is hurry up and get your little one cleaned up so you can keep moving toward your destination. With the Snoofybee, your wish will be granted.
This changing pad has a redirection barrier (think wings attached that velcro together) that keeps your squirmy baby’s hands away from mess and germs so you can get that diaper changed in one fell swoop. For a 10% discount use code "ROADTRIP" at snoofybee.com.
Scuddle 3-in-1 Portable Bassinet
“Scuddles has reinvented the way babies sleep and play both indoors and outdoors.”
Though some hotels have mini-cribs they’ll provide on request, this is really hit or miss. It’s so much easier to not have to worry about where your baby is going to sleep by bringing your own option. Of course, pack ‘n’ plays will work, but even folded up they’ll take up a good chunk of space in your car. That’s why we love the Scuddle 3-in-1 portable bassinet. It folds up to look just like a diaper bag (functions like one, too!) and is easily transportable.
When you arrive at your destination and it’s time to put your baby to bed, you’ll simply unfold it to create a safe sleeping space. It’s even roomy enough for older babies!